Teaching and Learning

Our Curriculum

Glenfield Intermediate School has developed and implemented a curriculum that is integrative, challenging and relevant for young adolescents. It is responsive to, and meets the diverse needs of our students. Our curriculum is based on current educational thinking, along with an understanding of the challenges faced by adolescent learners who are at a crucial stage in their development.

Our curriculum has been built around the key competencies and PC4L (Positive Culture for Learning). It supports the development of the principles and values of the New Zealand Curriculum. Our Specialist programme further supports the delivery of a balanced and relevant programme.

Learning Needs

At the beginning of each year and at identified points throughout the year, students are assessed and teachers place them in small teaching groups for reading, writing and mathematics. Through assessment and ongoing observation, teachers identify students’ specific learning needs and what they need to learn in order to make progress in all of the key learning areas. Students who are identified as needing extra support may also be placed in small groups and withdrawn from class to work on identified areas of their learning, or they may receive some in-class support from a teacher-aide or itinerant teacher.


Reporting to Parents

Detailed written reports are provided to students and their parents/caregivers twice a year. These focus on both achievement and progress, and also incorporate next steps. Students and their parents/ caregivers also meet with the class teacher before the start of each year and twice throughout the year. We also use the Hero app as an online platform for students to share their learning with parents/caregivers.


Home/School Partnerships

At Glenfield Intermediate School, we value the partnership between the teacher, the student and the parent/caregiver. When parents and caregivers are positively involved in a child’s school-life, the child is more likely to achieve success. Throughout the year, parents, caregivers, whanau and the wider community are welcome to visit the school to celebrate the learning that has taken place.
We welcome parent help, both in classrooms and on outside education days. We look forward to sharing your child’s learning journey with you throughout their two years at Glenfield Intermediate School.

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