Enrolment at Glenfield Intermediate School
Online Enrolment
If you have any of the following documents, please email them to office@glenfieldint.school.nz to assist with your enrolment application.
- A verified copy of the photo page of the student’s passport or a verified copy of a birth certificate or whakapapa.
- Permanent Residence Permit – (only required if a citizen of another country).
- A verified copy of proof of permanent residence in New Zealand.
- A copy of your student visa
- A recent School Report.
If you are applying as In Zone, please also provide proof of residency documents. For Example:
- A Utility Bill (Gas/Electric/Phone).
- A Tenancy Agreement.
2026 Enrolments
We look forward to welcoming all prospective Year 7 students and their families to our school in 2026. We are proud of who we are as a school, what we do, and most importantly, of our amazing students and we would love to share this with you. We encourage you to enrol early, visit our school and meet our principal. Prior to the end of this school year you will receive additional information about the first day, technology fees, stationery, a uniform guide, bus timetables and class placements.
Ways to Enrol
- Complete the on-line application
- Use the form at the rear of our prospectus which will be given to your child at the following primary schools (Bayview, Glenfield, Manuka, Marlborough, Target Road, Windy Ridge) – Deliver/post to GIS office
- Download and complete the forms from our website and deliver/post to GIS office
In Zone Enrolment
You will be required to provide evidence of the home address (eg. utility bill, tenancy agreement), along with the student’s identification documents.
Out of Zone Enrolment The Glenfield Intermediate School Board of Trustees has adopted an enrolment scheme effective from 01/01/2020. This is in conjunction with the Ministry of Education under section 72(1) of the Education and Training Act 2020. Out of zone enrolment applications for 2026 are now open. Out of Zone enrolments will close on 27 August 2025. We will advise results of the ballot on 3 September 2025. If you have any enquiries please contact us on office@glenfieldint.school.nz.
Documentation Required at Enrolment
In addition to completing enrolment forms, the following documentation is required in order to complete the enrolment process.
- NZ Students Please bring your child’s current birth certificate or passport.
- Overseas Students Please bring your child’s current passport with relevant visas PLUS a parent/caregiver’s current passport with relevant visas.
Enrolment Scheme
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Zone Map
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