We have a proven record of supporting students with academic learning while also providing outstanding sporting and cultural opportunities. Glenfield Intermediate School is dedicated to catering to the social and emotional needs of students within a group setting and encouraging innovation in curriculum and instruction. Our students develop valuable skills that enable them to become independent learners with the capability to take responsibility for their own education. We provide students the opportunity to develop communication skills, build friendships and expand on what was learnt in their primary years.
Our learning community provides our students with:
- curriculum that is relevant, challenging, integrative and exploratory
- multiple learning and teaching approaches that respond to their diversity
- assessment programmes that evaluate the standard of teaching as well as students learning
- organisational structures that support meaningful relationships and learning
- school-wide efforts and policies that foster health, wellness and safety
- multi faceted guidance and support services
We are focused on ensuring our students:
- establish a strong foundation in literacy and numeracy
- have a depth of understanding in a broad range of actionable knowledge
- develop a repertoire of higher level thinking skills and dispositions
- develop effective social and cooperative skills
- develop attitudes, values and skills to pursue life long learning and prepare themselves for the world of tomorrow
- gain a strong sense of cultural identity, belonging, contribution and well-being
- are active participants in their own learning
- be able to take risks in a caring environment
- value their own skills, achievements and abilities
Glenfield Intermediate School acknowledges the importance of engaging families in the education of their young adolescents through supporting the learning process, both at home and school.
We look forward to meeting you and your family. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the school.
Mission, Vision & Values

At Glenfield Intermediate we value:
- Respect / Maruwehi
- Responsibility / Noho Haepapa
- Relationships / Whanaungatanga
- Resilience / Aumangea
Strategic Goals (2022-2024) – The Three C’s:
- Curriculum – A rich, authentic localised curriculum that is inspiring, challenging and empowering is embedded in all classrooms
- Culture – A culture of personal growth and hauora is the way of being at GIS
- Community – Positive learning focused partnerships with our community
Strategic Plan
A full copy of the school charter, strategic plan, annual plan and previous years progress data is available on request.
Student Vision
Glenfield Intermediate School provides us with a range of learning opportunities and we are encouraged to apply ourselves and do our best. Our school believes that we are central to our own learning. Learning is a partnership between our teachers and us.
Our teachers have the necessary qualities to support our learning. These include being; helpful, understanding, kind, a good listener, firm and fair, knowledgeable, able to make learning fun and available to give quality time for each student. Teachers know what they are teaching, guide us with clear and co-constructed success criteria and they challenge us to reach our full potential. Teachers openly praise us for our achievements, display our work with pride and celebrate our learning through sharing and house assemblies. We get rewarded for our efforts and successes and the teachers value us by giving us time, caring for us and by remembering our achievements.
We get respect from our teachers and we are treated equally among our peers. Our teachers explain things well, are approachable and they never give up on us. Our teachers help us realise our mistakes and we trust them to teach us what we need to know for our future.
We believe that the interpersonal skills we learn through working in effective group situations are necessary for the future. We like to work towards exemplars, ask questions, have clear explanations from our teachers and learn in a motivational and tidy environment. Teachers meet our learning needs by understanding and encouraging us and incorporating our cultures into the classroom. They adjust learning experiences for individual students to ensure they can access the opportunities available. This can be as simple as explaining things with easier words. Our teachers listen to us, respect our ideas and value our input to the teaching and learning process. Our teachers allow us to develop the rules of the classroom by co-constructing a class promise.
We aspire to learning subjects that will prepare us for the future, enable us to use our imagination and work with others. Our school has a BYOD policy which gives us the opportunity to use technology purposefully in everything that we do. Developing independent skills is also important and we are provided with many opportunities to develop them.
Our forecast for the future is bright. We respect the importance of education and believe that if we work hard, make mistakes and challenge ourselves we will have fulfilling futures.
Student Expectations
High expectations are also incorporated in the way our students present themselves and we are very grateful to our parents and caregivers who support us in ensuring that our students are able to wear the Glenfield Intermediate uniform with pride.